We offer a range of visual and technology-driven digital tools, to ensure you obtain the right Paladin Industrial Coatings color for your application.
Color Selector Decks
Representative colors from the globally known standard RAL library are available in the Paladin RAL color deck. Also offered is the Paladin commercial color chip deck that features a range of sprayed Paladin formulas that can be physically compared to the project color to achieve an accurate match.
Color Spectrophotometer
The Paladin spectrophotometer is a hand-held digital color camera that uses color imagery to help achieve an accurate solid color match. The Paladin spectro takes accurate measurements from any inspiration source, even patterned and textured surfaces. This reading is compared to the more than 15,000 available formulas in the Paladin Eyenstein™ color formula retrieval software to provide an exact match for
any project.